News & Views from Campus: October 24th – October 30th
Medicare Open Enrollment
With the seasons changing and the cooler weather, we look forward to many fun holidays and events! However, you don’t want to overlook Medicare Open Enrollment at this time! Each year from Oct. 15th to Dec. 7th Medicare allows members to compare Part D Prescription plans and switch with no penalty. It’s a good idea to compare these plans so you get the best bang for your buck. Things to consider include: Monthly premiums, deductibles, copays, and pharmacy network statuses. Also your payment options, which include a bill monthly or having it deducted from Social Security benefits. Good Samaritan is more than happy to assist residents and cottagers with researching and enrolling in these plans. Residents/families can schedule an appointment with our accounting staff during this period. Call Aaron Mast at 217-223-8717 ext. 4980. NOTE: Cottagers and family members must observe Covid Protocols including wearing a mask, making an appointment, and screening at the front desk upon your arrival. We appreciate your cooperation! COTTAGERS: As in the past, you will need to bring your red, white, and blues Medicare card and a current List of medicines (or bottles)
Happy Birthday
Lacey Kistner(E) 10-24 Shirley Harland 10-29
Rachel Gerecke(E) 10-25 Alora Vansteel 10-29
Charlotte Berman 10-25 Jessica Benz(E) 10-30
John Eaton(E) 10-26 Tucker Kurfman(E) 10-30
Kaleigh Roberts(E) 10-26 Annette Lewis(E) 10-30
Megan Arment(E) 10-26 Victoria Montgomery(E) 10-30
Rita Esselman 10-26 Eleanor Hubble 10-30
Billie Menke 10-30
Weekly Inspiration
“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.”
~ Oscar Wilde ~
Prayer Request & Scripture
2 Corinthians 5:14-15
“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.”
Residents: Stevenson Manor
Staff: Development & Human Resources
Ice Cream Special in the General Store, Strawberry!
Good Samaritan Home of Quincy
Previous News
The Patter – January 12th 2025
News & Views from Campus: January 12th – January 18th -Cottage Community Center (30D): Tuesday, 6:00pm: Game Night! Wednesday, 1pm: Ponytail Canasta. Thursday, 10am: Coffee Hour. Friday, 1:30pm: Scrabble, 6:00pm: Friday Night Fun & Games. Saturday, 1pm: Dominoes Train. -Senior Seminar Series: Residents & Cottagers, JOIN US! Thursday, January 30th at 2pm in the Social…
The Patter – December 29th 2024
-Cottage Community Center (30D): Tuesday, 6:00pm: Game Night! Wednesday, 1pm: Ponytail Canasta. Thursday, 10am: Coffee Hour. Friday, 1:30pm: Scrabble, 6:00pm: Friday Night Fun & Games. Saturday, 1pm: Dominoes Train. -Don’t forget to SAVE THE DATE, NEW YEARS EVE! Games, finger foods, door prizes and fun! Signup sheet to bring food is located in the Cottage…
The Patter – December 22nd 2024
News & Views from Campus: December 22nd – December 28th -Cottage Community Center (30D): Tuesday, 6:00pm: Game Night! Wednesday, 1pm: Ponytail Canasta. Thursday, 10am: Coffee Hour. Friday, 1:30pm: Scrabble, 6:00pm: Friday Night Fun & Games. Saturday, 1pm: Dominoes Train. Don’t forget to SAVE THE DATE, NEW YEARS EVE! Games, finger foods, door prizes and fun!…