News & Views from Campus: November 24th – November 30th
-Cottage Community Center (30D): Tuesday, 6:00pm: Game Night! That’s all for the week, have a Happy Thanksgiving!
-Next Week: The Kennel Club visits with our furry, four-legged friends on Monday evening at 6:30pm in the Social Room. On Tuesday at 6:30, head down to the Social Room for Garbage Cards! Play Thanksgiving Penny Ante on Thursday at 10am, and follow it up with Thanksgiving Dinner that day at lunch!
–Thanksgiving Facts: The first Thanksgiving was celebrated as a harvest festival in 1621, with 50 Pilgrims and 90 Wampanoag Indians, and lasted 3 days! However, historians believe there was NO turkey eaten. Duck, Geese, and Swan were believed to have been the main courses. Now, each year, around 46 million turkeys are cooked on Thanksgiving. And in 1989, 41st President George H. W. Bush was the first to pardon the White House turkey, ensuring the bird would never become someone’s Thanksgiving dinner. Since then, every president has upheld the tradition, and a few of the turkeys have gone on to serve a different purpose. In 2005 and 2009, the birds went to Disneyland and Disney World parks to participate in their annual Thanksgiving parades. -Nathan
Happy Birthday
Loretta Goodwin 11-25 Jodi Winfiled(E) 11-29
Florence Niemeyer 11-25 Betty Eilene Cox 11-30
Charles Waters 11-26 Charels Menke 11-30
Brenda Akins(E) 11-29 Karen Bell 11-30
Virginia Schmidt 11-29 Jeremy Reynolds(E) 11-30
Weekly Inspiration
“Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.”
~Steve Maraboli~
Prayer Of The Week
Isaiah 40:31
“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.”
My Punny Puns and Goofy Jokes of the Week, Thanksgiving Edition, Brought to you by Donnie!
-How did the turkey get home for Thanksgiving? He took the gravy train!
-My family told me to stop telling all these Thanksgiving jokes…but I told them I can’t quit cold turkey!
-Why do Pilgrims have a hard time keeping their pants up? Because they wear their buckles on their hats!
– Why did the turkey bring a microphone to dinner? He was just getting ready for a roast!
-We’ll worry about the Christmas tree later. Next week, it’s all about the poul-tree!
Activity Calendar Games, Cards, Etc. available in Bartley Family Room
***All schedules are subject to change without notice***
Sunday, November 24th————————————————
Salem Church Service & Our Redeemer Lutheran service available for individual viewings
9:00 Worship – Channel 3 & Chapel
9:45 Sequence – Social Room
2:00 Steve Buckman – Channel 3 & Social Room
Monday, November 25th———————————————-
9:00 Devotions – Channel 3 & Chapel
9:45 Chair Zumba – Social Room
11:00 Exercise – Channel 3
1:30 Movie: Harold and the Purple Crayon – Channel 3
2:00 Spintopia – Eastbrook Lane
6:30 Kennel Club Visits – Social Room
Tuesday, November 26th———————————————-
9:00 Devotions – Channel 3 and Chapel
9:45 Pound Class – Channel 3 & Social Room
11:00 Exercise – Channel 3
1:00 Wyoming Veterans Museum – Channel 3 & Social Room
2:00 Resident Council – Social Room
2:30 Muddy River Gems: Hollister-Whitney – Channel 3
6:30 Garbage Cards – Social Room
Wednesday, November 27th———————————————
9:00 Devotions – Channel 3 & Chapel
9:45 Bible Study with Chaplain Josh – Social Room
11:00 Exercise – Channel 3
1:00 Car Masters Rust to Riches: Hot Air – Channel 3
1:30 Garbage Cards – Stevenson Manor
2:00 Movie: Unfrosted – Channel 3
Thursday, November 28th———————————————–
9:00 Devotions – Channel 3 & Chapel
9:30 Rosary – Channel 3 Only
10:00 Catholic Mass – Channel 3 Only
10:00 Thanksgiving Penny Ante – Social Room
11:00 Exercise – Channel 3
1:30 Thanksgiving Playlist – Channel 3
Friday, November 29th—————————————————-
9:00 Devotions – Channel 3 & Chapel
9:30 Ozzie & Rocky – Social Room
9:30 Amy Grant/ Michael W. Smith Christmas – Channel 3
1:30 Murdoch Mysteries – Channel 3
2:00 Bingo – Social Room
Saturday, November 30th————————————————–
10:00 Bingo – Anna Brown
11:00 Exercise – Channel 3
1:00 20 Years of Christmas with the Tabernacle Choir – Channel 3

Good Samaritan Home of Quincy
Previous News
The Patter – January 26th 2025
News & Views from Campus: January 26th – February 1st -Cottage Community Center (30D): Tuesday, 6:00pm: Game Night! Wednesday, 1pm: Ponytail Canasta. Thursday, 10am: Coffee Hour. Friday, 1:30pm: Scrabble, 6:00pm: Friday Night Fun & Games. Saturday, 1pm: Dominoes Train. -THIS THURSDAY, our Senior Seminar Series: Residents & Cottagers, join us at 2pm in the Social…
The Patter – January 19th, 2025
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The Patter – January 12th 2025
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