News & Views from Campus: November 17-November 23, 2019
“Shall We Dance” From the desk of Sarah Dolbeare
This was given to us by a cottager. It was written by an 83 year old woman to her friend. I hope you enjoy it and read it as a letter written to you by a friend. There certainly is a lesson to be learned from it. The last paragraph says it all.
Dear Friend,
I’m reading more and dusting less. I’m sitting in the yard and admiring the view without fussing about the weeds in the garden. I’m spending more time with my family and friends, and less time working. Whenever possible, life should be a pattern of experiences to savor, not to endure. I’m trying to recognize these moments now and cherish them.
I’m not “saving” anything. I’m using my good china and crystal for every special event, such as losing a pound, getting the sink unstopped, or the first Amaryllis Blossom. I wear my good clothes to go shopping. I’m not saving my favorite perfume for special occasions, but wearing it whenever I want to. “Some day” and “one of these days” are losing their grip on my vocabulary. If it’s worth seeing or hearing or doing, then I want to see and hear and do it NOW.
I’m not sure what others would’ve done had they known they wouldn’t be here for the tomorrow that we all take for granted. I think they would call family members and a few close friends. They might even call a few former friends to apologize and mend fences for past squabbles. I’d like to think they’d go out for a special meal. I’m guessing; I’ll never know.
It’s those little things left undone that would make me angry, if I knew my hours were limited. Angry because I hadn’t written certain letters that I intended to write “one of these days”. Angry and sorry that I didn’t tell my husband, parents, children, grandchildren, friends, etc. how much I truly love them. I’m trying very hard not to put off, hold back, or save anything that would add laughter and luster to our lives. And every morning when I open my eyes, tell myself that it is special.
Every day, every minute, every breath we take is truly a gift from God.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we are here, we might as well dance! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends (and maybe even use the good china and crystal)
Activities Calendar
Sunday, Nov 17
9:00 am: Worship
Service: Chaplain Josh Vahle, Chapel
2:00 pm: Steve Buckman, Social Room
Monday, Nov 18
9:00 am: Devotions: Pastor Brady White, Chapel
9:30 am: Towel Folding, Social Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
1:30 pm: Rosary, Chapel
2:30 pm: SLN – Truman & the Berlin Airlift, Social Room-
6:30 pm: QKC Therapy
Tuesday, Nov 19
Popcorn Day
9:00 am: Devotions: Rev Tony Metz, Chapel
9:30 am: Coffee Hour, Bartley Room
9:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
10:00 am: Music by Marvin Cook, Social Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
1:30 am: St James, Our Redeemer & the Lutheran Church of St John Communion, Chapel
2:45 pm: Bingo, Town Hall
Wednesday, Nov 20
9:00 am: Aldi’s Shopping **
9:00 am: Devotions: Rev Carol Stufflebeam, Chapel
9:30 am: Towel Folding, Social Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
1:00 pm: Pony Tail Canasta, Knapheide Room
1:30 pm: Dominoes, Bartley Room
2:00 pm: Flame & Embers, Social Room
6:30 pm: Turkey Craft,
Social Room (Make a fun Thanksgiving Craft)
Thursday, Nov 21
9:00 am: Devotions: Pastor Tom Rains, Chapel
9:30 am: Coffee Hour,
Bartley Room
10:00 am: Catholic Mass, Chapel
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
Friday, Nov 22
9:00 am: Devotions:
Chaplain Josh Vahle, Chapel
9:30 am: Towel Folding, Social Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
2:45 pm: Bingo, Social Room
Saturday, Nov 23
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
2:00 pm: Bingo, Eber Gardens
** Please sign-up for this activity at the Front Desk
All activities are subject to change. Games and cards are available for use anytime in the Bartley Room.
We have been invited to the Preview of the QCT Production “Every Christmas Story Ever Told” (and then some) on Tuesday, Nov 26. Cost is $5.00 per person.
*If you are driving yourself – Sign up at the front desk.
*If you are riding the bus, call Activities at ext. 4227 to sign up.
Deadline to sign up is November 21.
Social Services Reminder
The seasons are changing, the weather is getting cooler, carols are being sung, and gifts are being bought.
Many of us enjoy giving gifts for Christmas and, for many the gift of choice here in our home is clothing and blankets. We wanted to remind everyone intending to give gifts of clothing or blankets or those who receive clothing or blankets as a gift; please make sure you have them labeled! Good Samaritan Home requires that all items be labeled with the residents name on it. It saddens us to see so many new and beautiful items get lost after only one use!
This holiday season, please make sure each clothing item or blanket is clearly marked with the residents name and given to Social Services. We want you all to enjoy your beautiful new items for many years to come!
Weekly Inspiration
Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change.
Cherry Lane Estates
Cherry Lane Estates Meeting is Wednesday, November 20th at 8:45 a.m. in the North Dining Room
Therapy Department Provides
Our Theraband Exercise Class focuses on joint flexibility, balance, and assisting in daily mobility. This exercise is performed in a sitting, standing position and is modified as needed.
Come join us on Monday and Fridays in the Town Hall at 10:30 am to 11:00 am.
Prayer Request & Scripture
Revelation 3:19-20
“Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My Voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him and he with Me.”
Good Samaritan Home of Quincy
Previous News
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