News & Views from Campus: November 3 – November 9, 2019
Introducing Dave Stieglitz, CFO/Associate Administrator
David Stieglitz holds licenses as both a nursing home administrator and a certified public accountant in Illinois. He graduated Magna Cum Laude with a BA in Accounting from Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. He has nearly 17 years of experience in the senior care profession, which he names as his first career love. He also has experience as a Congressional staffer and tax preparer.
as he tends to introduce himself, grew up in northeast Indiana. Work took him and his wife Paige to northeast
Illinois, where their son Reagan, 18, and daughter Taylor, 15, were born. They feel very blessed and thankful to be
back in the Quincy area, where Paige was from, and to be closer to her
parents. Dave believes very strongly
that the best in senior care is delivered by faith-based non-profit
organizations, and he is excited to join the mission of service at Good
Samaritan Home.
Activities Calendar
Nov 3
9:00 am: Worship Service: Chaplain Josh
Vahle, Chapel
2:00 pm: The Toaster Game, Eastbrook
Nov 4
9:00 am: Devotions: Chaplain Josh Vahle,
9:30 am: Towel Folding, Social Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
1:30 pm: Rosary, Chapel
6:30 pm: Bingo hosted by Urban Farmers
4-H Club, Social Room
Tuesday, Nov 5
9:00 am: Devotions: Rev. Henry Pratt, Chapel
9:30 am: Odin & Ranger visit
9:30 am: Coffee Hour, Bartley Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
1:30 pm: One Country Gent
2:45 pm: Bingo, Town Hall
6:30 pm: Thanksgiving Hangman/Word Grid, Social Room
Wednesday, Nov 6
9:00 am: Wal-Mart Shopping **
9:00 am: Devotions: Rev Tim White, Chapel
9:30 am: Towel Folding, Social Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
1:00 pm: Pony Tail Canasta, Knapheide Room
1:00 pm: Foose Sing-a-Long, Foose
1:30 pm: Dominoes, Bartley Room
Thursday, Nov 7
8:45 am: Veterans Day Salute at Liberty School**
9:00 am: Devotions: Chaplain Josh Vahle, Chapel
9:30 am: Coffee Hour, Bartley Room
10:00 am: Catholic Mass, Chapel
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
2:00 pm: Quincy Country Steppers, Social Room
Friday, Nov 8
9:00 am: Devotions: Pastor Kyle Frink, Chapel
9:30 am: Towel Folding, Social Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
2:45 pm: Bingo, Social Room
Saturday, Nov 9
10:00 am: David Damm, Social Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
** Please sign-up for this activity at the Front Desk
All activities are subject to change. Games and cards are available for use anytime in the Bartley Room.
Wall of Heroes
If you are a veteran and would like to be included in our Wall of Heroes for the month of November, please contact Activities at ext. 4227 for more information.
Veterans Day Salute
We have been invited to attend the Veterans Day Salute at Liberty High School. If you are interested in attending, call Activities at ext. 4227.
Now is a good time to do some placemat shopping here at Good Samaritan Home. We still have some very nice fall placemats, and we are putting our Christmas/winter ones on the table daily. Shop early for best selection! Remember your friends, family and you will want their table looking decorative for the holidays. ~Joyce Winn~
Meet and Greet
Come meet our Therapy Company November 6th
@ 11:00 am in the Social Room. PPS will
talk about the services they provide and answer questions you may have for
therapy. Call ext. 4206 with questions.
Prayer Request & Scripture
John 17:20-23
20 My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, 21 that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. 22 I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one— 23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.
Staff: ADMISSIONS – Sarah, Cindy,
Jody, and Sheryl
Good Samaritan Home of Quincy
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