News & Views from campus January 19 – 25, 2020
National Activity Professionals Week
Each nursing neighborhood has an Activity Professional assigned who is responsible for planning and coordinating the events for their neighborhood, assessing and documenting individual interests and preferences.
This means there are eight event calendars. All neighborhood calendars have events from the ‘main’ calendar and further personalize it to their area’s particular wants and needs. As needed, leisure pursuits are adapted to meet each individual’s unique preferences and needs. (These could be visual, physical, or cognitive in nature.)
These valuable individuals also help plan and implement campus wide events, drive the bus for outings to community events, shopping, special requests, etc. Foose also has two part time staff who work evenings & weekends there & in the General Store.
Neighborhood activities are led by:
Micah Eggley – Anna Brown Vista
Sande Jenkins – Eastbrook Lane
Ashley Ware – Eber Gardens
Tammy Collins, Sarah Kimme & Jessica Lewis –Foose Center
Sharon Johnson – Southern Court
Sydney Albright – Sunny Dale & Stevenson Manor
Rachel Gerecke is the Youth Corps Coordinator. She in responsible for organizing the Youth Corp Program and is here during the summer and on school breaks. (she teaches 5th grade at Pikeland Community School when she’s not here!). Rachel is a former Youth Corps volunteer! It speaks well of our program that several former youth volunteers have worked at Good Samaritan Home after “aging out” of the program. Some have even gone on to careers in the long term care industry or other health care related fields.
Jessica Beever is the Assistant Activity Director. In addition to her duties assisting the director, she also fills in for the Activity Aides; takes care of Medicare documentation and leads certain activities in the building.
In addition, there is you! Friends, family, volunteers & staff from other departments! We achieve great things with the help and support of others. It takes everyone working together to be successful.
Activity Calendar
Sunday, January 19
9:00 am: Worship Service: Chaplain Josh Vahle, Chapel
2:00 pm: Steve Buckman, Social Room
Monday, January 20
9:30 am: Devotions: Chaplain Josh Vahle, Chapel
10:00 am: QU Students Day of Service
10:00 am: Towel Folding, Social Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
1:30 pm: Rosary, Chapel
6:00 pm: Studio Recital of Violin Students of Robin Walden and Voice and Piano Students of Daniel Fry, Social Room
Tuesday, January 21
Popcorn Day
9:30 am: Devotions, Rev. Tony Metz, Chapel
9:30 am: Coffee Hour, Bartley Room
10:00 am: Music by Marvin Cook, Social Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
1:30 pm: St James, Our Redeemer & the Lutheran Church of St John Communion, Chapel
2:45 pm: Bingo, Town Hall
6:30 pm: Table Games & Popcorn Night, Social Room
Wednesday, January 22
9:00 am: Hy-Vee Shopping**
9:30 am: Devotions: Chaplain Josh Vahle, Chapel
10:00 am: Towel Folding, Social Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
1:00 pm: Pony Tail Canasta, Knapheide Room
1:30 pm: Dominoes, Bartley Room
Thursday, January 23
9:30 am: Devotions: Chaplain Josh Vahle, Chapel
9:30 am: Coffee Hour, Bartley Room
10:30 am: Catholic Mass, Chapel
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
Friday, January 24
9:30 am: Devotions: Chaplain Josh Vahle, Chapel
10:00 am: Towel Folding, Social Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
2:45 pm: Bingo, Social Room
Saturday, January 25
11:30 am: Exercise, Town Hall
2:00 pm: Bingo, Eber Gardens
** Please sign-up for this activity at the Front Desk
All activities are subject to change.
Games and cards are available for use anytime in the Bartley Room.
Prayer Request & Scripture
So Jesus answered them, “My teaching is not mine, but God’s, Him who sent me. If any person would truly desire to do His Will, he or she will come to realize whether my teaching is from God or if I am declaring things I made up on my own.”
And for: Pray a prayer of praise and thanksgiving to GOD, Our Creator, Our Savior, Our Protector, Our Strength, Our Helper, Our Comforter, Our Counselor, Our Treasure, Our Friend. Praise God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ The Messiah), and God The Holy Spirit.
Devotions Reminder
Mark your calendars! Devotions will be held at 9:30 a.m. – January 20 – January 31, 2020.
Good Samaritan Home of Quincy
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