News & Views from Campus: August 4-10, 2019
Thank You to our Youth Corps!
Written by: Jessica Beever, Assistant Director of Activities
As the summer is coming to an end, and unfortunately, we must say goodbye to our Youth Corps volunteers! As always, they have been a great help to our residents and staff while giving their time to the Home.
We had 35 kids that volunteered this year. They ranged from ages 11-16. They have helped with activities this summer such as bingo, helping get residents to various activities, spending time visiting with residents, helping in the beauty shop, wheelchair rides, etc. They also assisted in helping with special events such as pie night and our Fathers Day cookout. They have volunteered over 900 hours this summer.
To thank them for their hard work throughout the summer we planned a party for them. This year they enjoyed a party at Upper Moorman park where they enjoyed a meal, mini-golf, a water balloon fight, and many other fun games.
We are very grateful for their help throughout the summer! We wish them the best of luck as they return to school!
Activities Calendar
Sunday, Aug. 4
9:00 am: Worship Service: Rev. Mike Duffy, Chapel
2:00 pm: Drumming Circle, Social Room
Monday, Aug. 5
9:00 am: Devotions: Rev. William Hutson, Chapel
9:30 am: Towel Folding, Social Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
1:30 pm: Rosary, Chapel
6:30 pm: Bingo, Social Room
Tuesday, Aug. 6
9:00 am: Devotions: Rev. Henry Pratt, Chapel
9:30 am: Coffee Hour, Bartley Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
12:30 pm: YMCA Summer Day Camp Kids
The YMCA kids are back! Weather permitting, we will be outside. Ask your Activity Aide for more details!
1:30 pm: Musician One Country Gent, Social Room
2:45 pm: Bingo, Town Hall
6:30 pm: Uno Attack, Social Room
Wednesday, Aug. 7
9:00 am: Devotions: Rev. Keela Neumann (First Christian Church), Chapel
9:00 am: County Market Shopping**
9:30 am: Towel Folding, Social Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
1:00 pm: Pony Tail Canasta, Knapheide Room
1:00 pm: Foose Sing-a-long, Foose Center
1:30 pm: Dominoes, Bartley Room
2:00 pm: Watermelon Bust, Social Room
Come enjoy some fresh watermelon while it’s in peak system at one of our favorite Good Samaritan Home traditions!
Thursday, Aug. 8
9:00 am: Devotions: Rev. Mike Duffy, Chapel
9:30 am: Coffee Hour, Bartley Room
10:00 am: Catholic Mass, Chapel
10:30 am: Mystery Meal**
Sign-up at the front desk to go to a mystery destination for lunch! Cost is the price of your meal.
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
2:00 pm: Hymn Sing with Linda, Social Room
Friday, Aug. 9
9:00 am: Devotions: Rev. Kyle Frink (Pleasant Grove United Methodist Church & Union United Methodist Church), Chapel
9:30 am: Towel Folding, Social Room
10:30 am: Mystery Meal**
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
2:45 pm: Bingo, Social Room
Saturday, Aug. 10
10:00 am: Musician David Damm, Social Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
** Please sign-up for this activity at the Front Desk
All activities are subject to change. Games and cards are available for use anytime in the Bartley Room.
Please note the changes in our shopping schedule! Please contact Social Services or Activities if you have any questions or concerns.
Prayer Request & Scripture
This week we are praying for the residents in the Foose Center and for the Administrators and Board of Directors.
Our Scripture of the Week is Galatians 2:20: “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by the faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
Staffing Updates
We are pleased to announce that we have filled our Chaplain position and our CFO/Associate Administrator Position. Pastor Josh Vahle will be starting as our Director of Pastoral Services/Chaplain in the next couple of weeks. David Stieglitz will be starting as our CFO/Associate Administrator by the end of August. Please help us offer them a warm welcome as they get started. More details to come!
Quanada Support Counseling
Quanada will be offering on-site counseling for anyone who feels they need someone to talk to. No appointment is necessary and these sessions are free. They will be in rooms #120 and #214 in Sheltering Grove on Friday, Aug. 2 10:30a-12p, Monday, Aug. 5 1p-4p, and Wednesday, Aug. 7 9:30a-12p, and throughout the rest of August. Check next week’s Patter for additional times.
Good Samaritan Home of Quincy
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