News & Views from Campus: October 20-26, 2019
Soup Dinner
Good Samaritan Home will be holding a Soup Dinner on Wednesday, November 13 from 4 pm-7 pm in the Social Room. Cost: $6.00 – Adults, $4.00 – Children under 10. Price includes soup (chili and chicken noodle), grilled cheese sandwich, dessert and drink. All proceeds will benefit Good Samaritan Home’s Employee Assistance Fund. This program is designed to assist employees who are facing extended time off work due to an accident or medical condition and those who are dealing with a catastrophic event such as a house fire or death in the family. Monies for this program have been solely funded through donations, employee payroll deductions, and fundraisers.
Meet & Greet
Please join us on Thursday, October 24th from 2-4 p.m. in the Social Room to welcome our new Administrator, Chuck Newton.
Activities Calendar
Sunday, Oct. 20
9:00 am: Worship Service: Chaplain Josh Vahle, Chapel
2:00 pm: Steve Buckman, Social Room
Monday, Oct 21
9:00 am: Devotions: Chaplain Josh Vahle, Chapel
9:30 am: Towel Folding, Social Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
1:30 pm: Rosary, Chapel
6:30 pm: QKC Therapy Dogs, Social Room
Tuesday, Oct 22
9:00 am: Devotions: Chaplain Josh Vahle, Chapel
9:30 am: Coffee Hour, Bartley Room
10:00 am: Sing-a-Long, Social Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
1:00 pm: Placematters, Town Hall
2:45 pm: Bingo, Town Hall
6:30 pm: Table Games with the Youth Group, Social Room
Wednesday, Oct 23
9:00 am: Aldi’S Shopping**
9:00 am: Devotions: Rev Tim White, Chapel
9:30 am: Towel Folding, Social Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
1:00 pm: Pony Tail Canasta, Knapheide Room
1:30 pm: Dominoes, Bartley Room
Wednesday, Oct 23
9:00 am: Aldi’S Shopping**
9:00 am: Devotions: Rev Tim White, Chapel
9:30 am: Towel Folding, Social Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
1:00 pm: Pony Tail Canasta, Knapheide Room
1:30 pm: Dominoes, Bartley Room
Friday, Oct. 25 9:00 am: Devotions: Pastor. Joshua Hall
9:30 am: Towel Folding, Social Room
10:00 am: Men’s Group, Social Room
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
2:45 pm: Bingo, Social Room
Saturday, Oct. 26
11:30 am: Exercise, Social Room
3:00 pm: Bingo, Eber Gardens
** Please sign-up for this activity at the Front Desk
All activities are subject to change. Games and cards are available for use anytime in the Bartley Room.
Prayer Request & Scripture
Our Scripture of the Week is Isaiah 30:15 in returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.
This week we are praying for the residents in Eber Gardens and staff in Activities Sally, Jessica B., Ashley, Sande, Sarah, Sydney, Tammy, Micah, Sharon, Jessica L, Rachel.
Weekly Inspiration
You don’t always get what you wish for. But you always get what you work for.
Digital Disciples
Just a reminder that the digital Disciples meet every 2nd Wednesday of the month in the Cay Horn Barnum Board Room. If you need assistance with your phone, tablet or computer, we look forward to assisting you. We will be available from 1:15 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.
Good Samaritan Home of Quincy
Previous News
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