News & Views from campus May 24-30, 2020
“They are like a person building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built.”
Luke 6:48
It feels like the foundations are crumbling around us as a virus sweeps across the globe sickening the young and old. Quarantine and shelter in place orders have ground the economy to a halt. There are now more people unemployed than during the great depression. Travel is a wistful memory. Graduations have been made virtual, weddings postponed, funerals have become awkward and disturbing as we practice social distancing. Soccer fields lay dormant and stadiums empty. Some favorite restaurants will not reopen. The largest movie theater chain in the country may not survive. Churches have been forced into digital exile. It feels like the foundations are crumbling around us.
Maybe this present situation feels so unsettling, if not downright disturbing, because we have built life on things that were never supposed to be foundational. We have built our lives on entertainment, recreation and social interaction. We have built on our lives on things that can’t stand up in the storm—things that should not be foundational. Jesus told the story of the builder to illustrate that the structures and time honored institutions of the world will not withstand the storms of life. It begs the questions; are we going to trust the systems of security and recreation we built for our own comfort and safety or are we going to trust in something bigger? Are we going to trust the foundations created by the American way of life or trust the foundation provided by the creator of life. The pandemic is the mother of all storms and we are seeing that the foundations (built on the sand) have begun to erode. God promises to be the foundation that can’t be washed away. God gives us something lasting and eternal to build on. We will survive “the great pandemic of 2020.” Perhaps the greatest lesson we will learn is that we trusted the wrong things. As we begin to rebuild life, even from our shelter in place present situation, it is crucial to construct the “new normal” on the rock solid foundation that only comes from God.
Let us pray,
Creator God, you are the master builder, the architect of creation. Give us strength and courage in this difficult time. Help us to examine the foundations in which we have put our trust and guide us to build on YOUR foundation for life. Amen.
The Reverend Timothy A. White, Pastor
Trinity United Church of Christ
Activity Calendar
Please see signs/notices in your neighborhood for the Activity Schedule
Devotions (Monday-Friday)
8:45 am – Foose Center
9:00 am – Eber Gardens
9:15 am – Southern Court
10:30 am – Eastbrook Lane
10:45 am – Anna Brown Vista
11:00 am – Sunny Dale
11:15 am – Sheltering Grove
11:30 am – Stevenson Manor
11:45 am – McReynolds Center
Sunday Worship
8:45 am – Foose Center
9:00 am – Eber Gardens
9:15 am – Southern Court
9:30 am – Eastbrook Lane
9:45 am – Anna Brown Vista
10:00 am – Sunny Dale
10:15 am – Sheltering Grove
10:30 am – Stevenson Manor
10:45 am – McReynolds Center
Music, Music, Music
Experience the Quincy Symphony Orchestra & Chorus from your easy chair! The Quincy Symphony Orchestra, Chorus, & Youth Orchestra partner with WGEM-TV to broadcast concerts on Saturday, May 23rd and Saturday, May 30th. The concerts start at 6:00 p.m.
The concerts can be found on WGEM TV. In-house residents can tune to channel 4. Cottagers will need to check with their local provider for availability
Prayer Request & Scripture
Jesus said to her, “I AM The Resurrection and The Life. Whoever believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live, and every person who lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”
Residents: FOOSE
Staff: SPIRITUAL CAREGIVERS Chaplain Josh, visiting ministers, devotions leaders, musicians, communion ministers, and your churches and their priests, pastors and leaders.
Good Samaritan Home of Quincy
Previous News
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