News & Views from Campus: April 12-18, 2020
First Easter
The very first Easter was not in a crowded worship space with singing and praising. On the very first Easter, the disciples were locked in their house. It was dangerous for them to come out. They were afraid. They wanted to believe the good news they heard from the women, that Jesus had risen. But it seemed too good to be true. They were living in a time of such despair and such fear. If they left their homes, their lives and the lives of their loved ones might be at risk. Could a miracle really have happened? Could life really had won out over death? Could this time of terror and fear really be coming to an end?
Alone in their homes, they dared to believe that hope was possible, that the long night was over and morning had broken, that God’s love was the most powerful of all, even though it didn’t seem quite real yet. Eventually, they were able to leave their homes, when the fear and danger had subsided, they went around celebrating and spreading the good news that Jesus was risen and love was the most powerful force on earth.
This year, we might get to experience a taste of what that first Easter was like, still in our homes daring to believe that hope is on the horizon. Then, after a while, when it safe for all people, when it is the loving choice, we will come out, gathering together, singing and shouting the good news that God brings life even out of death, that love always has the final say!
Activity Calendar
Please see signs in your neighborhood for Activities and Devotions scheduled for the neighborhoods.
*Chaplain Josh will lead a short devotional time for residents on each neighborhood with prayer & a song.
8:45 am – Foose Center
9:00 am – Eber Gardens
9:15 am – Southern Court
10:30 am – Eastbrook Lane
11:00 am – Sunny Dale
11:15 am – Sheltering Grove (in Social Room/Chapel)
11:30 am – Stevenson Manor
11:45 am – McReynolds Center
(Sunday Worship Schedule by Neighborhood):
8:45 am – Foose Center
9:00 am – Eber Gardens
9:15 am – Southern Court
9:30 am – Eastbrook Lane
9:45 am – Anna Brown Vista
10:00 am – Sunny Dale
10:15 am – Sheltering Grove (in Social Room/Chapel)
10:30 am – Stevenson Manor
10:45 am – McReynolds Center
from Sarah Vahlkamp, Developement Director & Public Relations
Donation Appreciation
We’d like to extend a huge thank you everyone that has been donating masks and other supplies to help us keep up with the demand. Your donations are greatly appreciated as we continue to protect the safety and health of residents and staff. It is through our efforts as a community that we will remain strong together.
Cottage Meals
Meals for cottagers are available to be ordered throughout the week. To place an order, call Sarah Dolbeare at 217-223-8717 ext. 4235 between 2 and 4 p.m. the day prior to meal delivery. Delivery is around 11 am, and meals are available to every cottager.
Good Samaritan Home Facebook
Facebook has become a main form of communication between family members and residents. If you or your family would like to follow our Facebook page, please search Good Samaritan Home of Quincy. We continuously post photos of residents and daily activities happening around the neighborhoods. You can also stay up-to-date on any COVID-19 updates by following our Facebook page or looking under the ‘News & Events’ tab on our website.
COVID-19 Update
Due to abiding by the shelter-in-place and visitor restrictions, we currently have zero confirmed cases of COVID-19. We understand how hard it is not being able to see your loved one, but protecting the health of our residents and staff is our top priority. However, you are more than welcome to schedule a time with our Activity or Social Service Department to video chat or talk over the phone through one of our large, closed windows. This allows for restricted face-to-face contact without the possibility of exposure. We thank you for your continued understanding and anxiously await the day we can safely allow visitors again.
Payments: The Accounting Department Window is closed due to COVID-19. Payments can be placed in the new drop box inside our main entrance first door to the right. A receipt can be mailed with the next month statement if requested. Thank you.
Weekly Inspiration
Don’t lose hope —you never know what tomorrow may bring.
Prayer Request & Scripture
SCRIPTURE OF THE WEEK 2 Corinthians 5:14-15
“For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died. And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.”
Good Samaritan Home of Quincy
Previous News
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