News & Views from Campus: April 2nd – April 8th 2023
-Entertainment this week includes Breakfast at Tiffany’s (Wednesday, 1:30pm), starring the timeless Audrey Hepburn. This romantic comedy, nominated for multiple academy awards, follows a young New York socialite who becomes interested in a young man who moves into her apartment building. But will her past get in the way of newfound love?
-And for fans of adventure, Young Indiana Jones and the Treasure of the Peacocks Eye (Thursday, 2pm) features the young archeologist on the trail of a 140-carat diamond that once belonged to Alexander The Great!
-Easter Facts: Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ in the Christian religion. Eggs are an ancient symbol of fertility and springtime, which is seen as a rebirth, thus they’re connection to the event. Easter is also the oldest Christian holiday on record. Easter is now the second biggest candy-consuming holiday, behind only Halloween. Last year, Americans spent almost 2 billion dollars on candy for the holiday! Good Friday, which recognizes Christs’ crucifixion, prior to Easter, is only recognized in 12 of the 50 states in the US. As for the bunny…we can thank Germany for that. A Hare delivering candy and eggs originated in the Middle Ages, and German settlers brought it to the US in the 1700’s.
Happy Birthday
Kyndall Causey(E) 4-02 Henry Pratt 4-06
Tara Carter(E) 4-03 Janet Ehrhardt 4-08
Scott Appel 4-03
Victoria Larson 4-03
Terry Morse 4-03
Doris Howell 4-04
Sandra Walker(E) 4-06
Weekly Inspiration
“There is nothing impossible to they who will try.”
~ Alexander The Great ~
Prayer Request & Scripture
John 11:25-26 Jesus said to her, “I AM The Resurrection and The Life. Whoever believes in Me, though he die, yet shall he live, and every person who lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?”
All Spiritual Caregivers: Our Chaplain, visiting ministers, devotions leaders, musicians, your churches and their priests, pastors, & leaders
Riddle Me This…
-I have 4 wheels, and flies. What am I? A garbage truck!
-What do you have to break before you can use it? An egg!
-What can run but can’t walk? A River!
-What can you catch but not throw? A cold!
Activity Calendar Games, Cards, Etc. available in Bartley Family Room
***All schedules are subject to change without notice***
Sunday, April 2nd————————————————
Salem Church Service & Our Redeemer Lutheran service available for individual viewings
9:00 Worship – Channel 3 & Chapel
10:15 Parachute – Social Room
1:00 Sunday Matinee: Made of Honor – Social Room
Monday, April 3rd———————————————-
9:00 Devotions – Channel 3 & Chapel
10:00 Baking Club: Lunch Prep – Social Room
11:00 Exercise – Channel 3
1:30 Rosary – Channel 3 and Chapel
2:00 Muddy River Gems: QU TV – Channel 3
Tuesday, April 4th———————————————-
9:00 Devotions – Channel 3 & Chapel
9:45 Pound Class – Social Room
11:00 Exercise – Channel 3
1:00 Frontier Army Museum: History of Ft. Leavenworth – Channel 3
6:15 Easter Bingo with LifePoint Bingo Buddies – Social Room
Wednesday, April 5th———————————————
9:00 Devotions w/ Marty Pressey & Dan – Channel 3 & Chapel
9:45 Bible Study with Chaplain Josh – Social Room
11:00 Exercise – Channel 3
1:30 Movie: Breakfast at Tiffany’s – Channel 3
1:30 Art Club – Town Hall
6:30 Sevens – Social Room
Thursday, April 6th———————————————–
9:00 Maundy Thursday Service – Channel 3 & Chapel
10:00 Catholic Mass – Channel 3 & Chapel
11:00 Exercise – Channel 3
1:00 The Chosen – Channel 3 & Social Room
2:00 Dominoes – Social Room
2:00 Indiana Jones & The Treasure of The Peacocks Eye – Channel 3
Friday, April 7th—————————————————-
9:00 Good Friday Service – Channel 3 & Chapel
9:30 Ozzie & Rocky – Social Room
11:00 Exercise – Channel 3
1:00 Movie: The Alamo – Channel 3
2:00 Bingo – Social Room
Saturday, April 8th————————————————–
10:00 Bingo – Anna Brown
11:00 Exercise – Channel 3 Only
1:00 Saturday Musical: Easter Parade – Channel 3
2:00 Bingo – Southern Court

Good Samaritan Home of Quincy
Previous News
The Patter – January 26th 2025
News & Views from Campus: January 26th – February 1st -Cottage Community Center (30D): Tuesday, 6:00pm: Game Night! Wednesday, 1pm: Ponytail Canasta. Thursday, 10am: Coffee Hour. Friday, 1:30pm: Scrabble, 6:00pm: Friday Night Fun & Games. Saturday, 1pm: Dominoes Train. -THIS THURSDAY, our Senior Seminar Series: Residents & Cottagers, join us at 2pm in the Social…
The Patter – January 19th, 2025
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